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A playspace at Hessel park. "Student Parent Meet-Up" is written in the top right corner.

Student Parent Meet-up

Event Type
Social/Informal Event
Graduate College
Hessel Park
Aug 7, 2023   4:00 - 6:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Graduate College Events for Graduate Students & Postdocs

Join us at Hessel Park where kids can play and adults can meet other folks who are parenting while pursuing degrees. 

We'll have snacks for kids and adults, as well as bubbles and sidewalk chalk. 

Hessel Park is right off of Kirby Avenue in Champaign and has a play structure, splash pad, grassy fields, and tennis courts. Click here for a map link.

From campus, you can get to Hessel Park on the Gold Bus (but not Gold Hopper) from Goodwin and behind the Main Library. The Blue route also runs that way, but less often. Click here for a link to the MTD Trip Planner.

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