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ISE Graduate Seminar Series: Natascha Buswell

Event Type
ISE Graduate Programs
Sep 10, 2020   4:00 pm  
Natascha Buswell

Seminar Title: Finding an Academic Career Path That is Right for You


Abstract: This seminar intends to introduce graduate students to issues pertinent for transitions to postdoc/faculty positions. In particular, it focuses on graduate students who are interested in pursuing positions that focuses on teaching and/or are not at research-intensive institutions. Through the use of narratives based on interviews with assistant professors at non-R1 institutions, this seminar will introduce participants to the common challenges and benefits of pursuing a teaching-focused position. This session will be interactive and focus on one narrative in particular. Participants will read and discuss sections of this narrative in small groups, and then learn and discuss the other sections as a larger group to determine the main takeaways. The workshop concludes with an opportunity for participants to come up with a professional development plan for their own possible academic pathway. 

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