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SBIR/STTR Webinar: Reauthorization and Changes to the SBIR/STTR Program

Event Type
Illinois FAST Center
wifi event
Dec 13, 2022   1:00 - 2:00 pm  
FREE. Registration Required.
Zoom link is provided upon registration.
Cheri Soliday

Join our team of SBIR experts and the FAST (Federal and State Technology) Center of Illinois for an SBIR/STTR webinar event from 1:00-2:00pm on Tuesday, December 13.

The innovation and technology ecosystem breathed a sigh of relief when Congress approved, and President Biden signed, the SBIR and STTR Extension Act of 2022 (S. 4900). The reauthorization, which includes programmatic modifications and reforms, extends these vital funding programs through September 2025. Join this month’s IL FAST Center webinar to learn more about these changes, why they were introduced, and what to expect moving forward. SBIR/STTR Program Leads from SBA, DoD, HHS/NIH, and NSF will also be joining to share during this webinar.


Bill Ruch is the Chair of the Technology-Based Economic Development Practice Group at Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC, a Washington DC based lobbying and consulting firm with over 30 years of experience in science and technology policy. Bill closely monitors federal efforts to advance technologies from lab-to-market and foster broader economic development. Lewis-Burke has worked with the University of Illinois since 2007. 

Erick Page-Littleford serves as the Senior Technology Policy Advisor for SBA’s Office of Investment and Innovation (OII). This role leverages his significant experience supporting the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, including serving in principal roles executing innovator engagements, program evaluations, and implementing congressional and administrative policy.

Susan Celis serves as the DoD SBIR/STTR Program Manager. Ms. Celis has served the Department of Defense for over 30 years, holding a variety of positions with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from 1988 until 2004. During this season of her career Ms. Celis became involved the SBIR/STTR programs which led to her roles serving as the U.S. Army SBIR Program Manager (2004-2008), DARPA SBIR/STTR Program Manager, and her current role with the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Research and Engineering.

Stephanie Fertig serves as the HHS Small Business Program Lead for the National Institutes of Health. With over 15 years at NIH, Stephanie has led the development and implementation of multiple programs focused on small businesses and translational research.  She currently oversees the Health and Human Services (HHS) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, which includes the NIH SBIR & STTR programs. 

Erik Pierstorff has served as an NSF SBIR/STTR Program Director since November 2019. Prior to NSF, he was COO and led R&D for an early stage biomedical engineering company. During this time, Erik helped secure both Angel investment and non-dilutive funding for early stage companies in the form of licensing and co-development deals. He also served as PI on several Phase I, II, and IIB SBIR grants from NIH and NSF.

This is a free, virtual event, but registration is required. The link to the webinar will be emailed to you upon completion of your registration.

After the presentation, teams will have the opportunity to ask questions from the FAST team.

Office Hours are also available weekly. 

For more information and how to access more resources, visit the FAST Center at Illinois website. This program is open to all entrepreneurs in the State of Illinois seeking to access SBIR/STTR grant funding. 

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are highly competitive programs that encourage domestic small businesses to engage in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) with the potential for commercialization. Through a competitive awards-based program, SBIR and STTR enable small businesses to explore their technological potential and provide the incentive to profit from its commercialization. By including qualified small businesses in the nation's R&D arena, high-tech innovation is stimulated, and the United States gains entrepreneurial spirit as it meets its specific research and development needs.

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