A Panel Discussion
Event details
Friday, April 4, 2025
1:00-2:30 p.m.
Room 4025, Campus
Instructional Facility
(1405 W. Springfield Ave.,
Urbana, IL 61801)
Zoom Meeting ID: 823 6368 1515 | Password: 866426
Expected Speakers
Dr. J'Tia Hart, Director, Nuclear Nonproliferation Division, Idaho National Laboratory
Mr. Christian Small, Reactor Engineer and Operations Specialist, Constellation Nuclear
Dr. Temitope Taiwo, Division Director, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Argonne National Laboratory
This panel will be an opportunity to learn about career options in clean nuclear energy, plasma for microelectronics and semiconductors, and use of radiation for medical and industrial use. This will be the fifth event in a national series sponsored by the Nuclear Engineering Department Heads Organization (NEDHO), dedicated to examining the demographics and future of the nuclear energy workforce. Previous discussions have been hosted by leading institutions such as the Univ. of Michigan, UC Berkeley, Georgia Institute of Technology and the Univ. of Tennessee. As part of this ongoing effort, our event will provide a unique opportunity to explore the evolving nuclear workforce, address diversity challenges, and inspire the next generation of nuclear professionals.
All are welcome to attend and participate.