Outreach Meeting Monday, Oct 21st Talbot Lounge 5:00-6:30 PM
Our fourth outreach meeting is in one week! This meeting will be the start of Nuclear Science Week so come out to learn about all the fun things we have planned! We will be decorating cookies and watching a movie.
Get Connected With Us!
Our Website: Check out pictures of our events, read about members of the month, and meet the exec boardDiscord: Join our Discord serverANS Google Drive: Access/upload pictures, see past meeting slides, and read the constitutionSquare Store: Buy ANS apparel
Nuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering
The Grainger College of Engineering
Suite 100 Talbot Laboratory, MC-234
104 South Wright Street
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: 217-333-2295
Fax: 217-333-2906
Email: nuclear@illinois.edu