Engineering Seminars Test Calendar 2.10

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Reduced-order modeling and analysis of fluid flows: from wall-bounded shear flows to convection

Event Type
Mechanical Science and Engineering
wifi event
Jan 25, 2024   4:00 pm  
Professor Chang Liu, School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Connecticut
Amy Rumsey
Originating Calendar
MechSE Seminars

Abstract: The study of problems ranging from wall-bounded shear flows to convection is complicated by the large range of spatiotemporal scales that need to be resolved. Reduced-order models can help explore computationally challenging parameter regimes and facilitate iterative optimization computation. The first part of this talk develops a structured input-output analysis to analyze transitional wall-bounded shear flows. This framework captures the key nonlinear effect that enables the prediction of a wider range of known transitional flow structures within a linear analytical modelling paradigm. The results for plane Couette flow closely match those obtained from extensive direct numerical simulations (DNS) and nonlinear optimal perturbation analysis but are achieved with vastly reduced computational cost. The proposed approach also captures the recently observed oblique turbulent bands that have been linked to transition in experiments and DNS with very long streamwise and spanwise domains. The second part of this talk employs single-mode equations reducing three spatial dimensions into one vertical dimension to analyze well-organized columnar structures in convection. The computational efficiency of this reduced description allows one to reach computationally challenging and oceanographically relevant parameter regimes for salt-finger convection. Single-mode equations were also applied to convection in a porous medium and fixed-flux convection within doubly periodic domains and capture the essential physics in a wide parameter regime.

 Bio: Dr. Chang Liu joined the University of Connecticut, School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering, as an assistant professor in Fall 2023. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 2021 and then conducted postdoctoral research at the University of California, Berkeley before joining UConn. His research interest is the intersection among fluid dynamics, nonlinear dynamical systems, control theory, state estimation and optimization with a focus on turbulence. He is interested in developing novel interdisciplinary approaches to obtain reduced-order models and better understandings of fluid dynamics. His current research topics include wall-bounded shear flows, flow control, convection and fluid-structure interactions. He was a receipt of the Corrsin-Kovasznay Outstanding Paper Award.

Host: Professor Leonardo Chamorro

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