You are invited to attend the research presentations of 7 undergraduate honors thesis writers at our History Showcase on Wednesday, April 17 at 4PM in room 210 in the Illini Union.
4:00-4:15: Devin Manley, Transgressing Normativity: Global Indigeneity, Gender Presentations, and Sexual Practices in Colonial Mexico, 1519-1670
4:15-4:30: Nic Brandon, The Limits of ‘Friendship’: Imperialism and Continentalism in British-Ottoman Relations, 1908-1914
4:30-4:45 Kevin McDonald, Set in Stone: A Bulk Study of Latin Epitaphs from the Roman World
4:45-5:00 Julie Matuszewski, Hexing Histories: Race in the Salem Witch Trials
5:00-5:15 BREAK
5:15-5:30 Ethan Cooper, Calibrating the Compass: Analyzing the Development of Collective Security Policy in the Postwar Senate
5:30-5:45 Chris Gimbel, The Self-Confirming Coalition: Ultraconservatives’ Guiding Hand on the Modern American Conservative Movement
5:45-6:00 Sasha Rushing, After 'Desperate Need': Russian National and Maritime Policy in the Baltic Following Tsushima