Here is the handshake link and info session details. Any Handshake student with a link to this event can view and RSVP. This event is for PhD students and postdocs.
Wednesday, April 26th, 2023
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Location: Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Building, Room 4100
Hosted by Citadel and Citadel Securities
Please join Citadel’s systematic investing business, Global Quantitative Strategies (GQS), for an engineering tech talk. All PhDs and postdocs in engineering departments are invited to attend. GQS quantitative researchers will introduce you to quantitative finance and show you how the research and skills you are developing during your PhD could translate to a successful career within quant finance and at Citadel | GQS. Food and swag will be provided.
Presenters: James Xiang | Goran Banjac | Kailai Xu
GQS has rapidly become one of the most significant and fastest-growing quantitative trading teams in the industry since it was founded in 2012. Agile teams of quantitative researchers, engineers and traders develop and apply advanced statistical and quantitative modeling techniques to identify and act on investment opportunities. We develop and deploy these strategies on our leading-edge systems.
Read more about the business here: