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Forensic Architecture Workshop

REEEC Critical Methods Series in Legal Studies: Workshop with Forensic Architecture

Event Type
REEEC; European Union Center
Apr 1, 2021   11:00 am  
Nicholas Zembashi (Research Coordinator, Forensic Architecture) and Nicholas Masterton (Advanced Researcher, Forensic Architecture)
Originating Calendar
Russian, E. European & Eurasian Center: Conference & Workshops

Workshop with Forensic Architecture

New methods in legal documentation, evidence, and analysis

Led by Nicholas Masterson and Nicholas Zembashi

1 April 2021, 11am CDT

Register at:

Forensic Architecture (FA), based in Goldsmiths, University of London, is a pioneer in interdisciplinary methods and approaches to evidence. FA works in partnership with institutions across civil society to investigate human rights violations, police brutality, border regimes and environmental violence. Their investigations employ pioneering techniques in spatial and architectural analysis, open source investigation, digital modeling, immersive technologies, documentary research, situated interviews, and academic collaboration. This workshop will be a chance to learn more about the innovative investigative methods of Forensic Architecture (FA), and an initial step in bringing various scholars of campus together to consider FA-style research clusters and collaborations on our campus. 

Two FA researchers, Nicholas Masterson and Nicholas Zembashi, will lead our workshop by sharing about their projects and methods and answering questions. Both Masterson and Zembashi have backgrounds in architecture and their contributions at FA center around digital media (spatialization, animation) and politics.

You can read more about FA and their initiatives here:  

Part of the REEEC Critical Methods Series in Legal Studies and co-sponsored by the European Union Center.

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