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Teaching Special Seminar: Yining Liu, "Teaching Discrete Structures at Scale"

Event Type
Siebel School of Computing and Data Science
wifi event
Feb 3, 2025   9:00 am  
Originating Calendar
Siebel School Special Seminar Series


Teaching discrete structures offers valuable opportunities to help aspiring computer scientists develop essential problem-solving skills. In this talk, I will share my organizational system designed to ensure instructional efficiency in large-scale courses. I will then explore strategies for delivering lectures that promote active learning in a subject often perceived as abstract and challenging. Finally, I will highlight my approach to fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment. 

Yining Liu is a final-year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at Columbia University, where she conducts research in geometric data analysis and computational biology under the guidance of Professors Andrew Blumberg and Itsik Pe’er. She earned her B.A. in Mathematics with high distinction from UC Berkeley in 2020. Yining has taught two large-scale discrete mathematics courses at Columbia CS and Berkeley EECS and served as a teaching assistant for five distinct courses. At Berkeley, she received the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award in 2020.

Faculty Host: Mahesh Viswanathan

Meeting ID: 882 9036 7394; Password: csillinois

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