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PILOT Seminar: Junfeng Guan, "Enhanced Wireless Networks & Systems for IoT, 6G, & Autonomous Vehicles"

Event Type
Illinois Computer Science
wifi event
Mar 4, 2024   10:30 am - 12:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Siebel School PILOT Seminars


The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), the surging demand for mobile data, and the repurposing of wireless signals for sensing and perception tasks in 6G introduce unprecedented challenges for next-generation wireless networks. To overcome these challenges and realize the visions for next-generation wireless networks, I build hardware-software-AI systems that push the boundaries of wireless networking and sensing. 
In this talk, I will first present MEMS filter hardware-enhanced real-time wideband spectrum sensing on low-power IoT devices. With such capability, massive-scale unlicensed IoT devices can dynamically access the wireless spectrum and share it with existing licensed users in a dynamic spectrum sharing paradigm. Next, I’ll show how the MEMS filter hardware can also enhance Joint Communication and Sensing in 5G/6G cellular networks. Specifically, I will demonstrate an accurate IoT self-localization system that simply overhears ambient 5G communications signals without coordinating with 5G base stations. Finally, I will present AI-enhanced wireless perception for autonomous driving. I will discuss how we can enable autonomous vehicles to see through fog and bad weather using millimeter-wave radars and achieve vision-like perception performance such as accurate object detection and high-resolution 3D imaging.

Junfeng Guan is a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Communication and Computer Science at EPFL, Switzerland. His research is in the areas of wireless networking & sensing systems. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2022. He is a recipient of the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2020. His research also received ACM SIGMOBILE Research Highlights and RFIC’20 Industry Best Paper Finalists. He has published in top conferences and journals including NSDI, SIGCOMM, CVPR, ECCV, ICASSP, and IEEE TMTT. He also served on the shadow Program Committee for SenSys 2022.

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