Computer Science Department Master Calendar

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SOP Writing for Graduate School with Jaime Potter

Event Type
Professional Development
Latinxs in Computer Science
wifi event
Nov 2, 2020   4:00 - 4:45 pm  
Javier Garza
Originating Calendar
Computer Science Student Group Events

LCS is excited to host expert Jaime Potter to discuss SOP writing for graduate school. The format of the talk will be an interview where Jaime will help us answer the questions submitted by our community and go through the most important things for writing an SOP for graduate school.

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Jaimie's Bio:
Jaime is an expert in the study of organizations. Having received his PhD in Organizational Behavior from the prestigious Wharton School of Business, Jaime went to work in People Analytics at McKinsey, where he honed his data science and consulting skill set. He now works as a Business Development Manager & Recruiter for Core Staffing, a 30+ year old HR staffing firm in NYC.
Prior to receiving his PhD, Jaime was a high school math teacher in East Harlem through Teach for America. He received an M.Sc. in Financial Economics from Oxford University (Christ Church), as well as a B.S. in Economics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he graduated 1st in his class with a perfect 4.0 GPA.
Jaime has been recognized for both his research and his writing. His dissertation made use of the most cutting-edge computational methods in organizational behavior to illuminate the relationship between displays of passion and status in government. The ingenuity and quality of his dissertation was recognized in the esteemed INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition, where he was one of 8 finalists across the country.
Jaime is a Careers Contributor for In his weekly pieces, he uses organizational research to shed light on some of the toughest questions facing the business world today. He is also a world-renowned expert on education, graduate school admissions, and standardized testing. Jaime was selected as a Top Writer on Quora in 2018, and his posts--particularly about college and grad school admissions, success in college, and standardized tests--have been viewed millions of times by students around the globe.

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