How to do Research Part 2: Writing & Publishing
This session will cover writing and publishing papers and code. How to write a paper; How to publish -- conferences, journals, open access; what is and isn’t plagiarism (including self-plagiarism), how/when to cite other references, dual submissions, and author ordering; How to publish code and how you can use the code of others. It will also cover common ethical issues, e.g., what to do if you find a mistake in a paper you published.
Mahesh Viswanathan
Mahesh Viswanathan is a Professor and the Associate Head for Academics in the Computer Science Department. He received his Ph.D in Computer and Information Science from the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include algorithm design, automata theory, and logic with applications to algorithmic verification of systems.
George Chacko
George Chacko is a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science. His scientific interests lie in the vicinity of novelty in science, impact, peer review, knowledge diffusion, and research community structure. A related interest is the social interactions that drive scientific recognition and achievement.
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