Overview of Dr. Hurley's experience at the intersection of Science Policy, Science Diplomacy, and Biosecurity.
Dr. Amanda Hurley supports the Division of International Affairs at the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), which funds transformative and translation health research. Dr. Hurley is a subject matter expert on global public health supply chains and equitable access to medical countermeasures. Prior to ARPA-H, Amanda was a Foreign Affairs Officer and completed a Science and Technology Policy Fellowship with AAAS at the U.S. Department of State in the Office of Global Health Security. She was privileged to represent the U.S. government on 14 trips to 11 countries on five continents in less than three years at the State Department.
Dr. Hurley completed a USDA postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Jo Handelsman at the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 2021. She has a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from Princeton University, B.S. in Microbiology from the University of New Hampshire and spent over a decade in research studying HIV, cholera, and the small molecule manipulation of bacterial behavior.