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Lecture by Chulhong Kim, Ph.D.

Event Type
The Department of Bioengineering
Everitt Room 2310
Apr 7, 2025   3:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Bioengineering calendar

Trans-energy imaging modalities have been significantly explored to overcome existing problems in conventional imaging modalities with respect to spatial/temporal resolutions, penetration depth, signal-to-noise ratio, contrast, and so on. Among them, photoacoustic imaging, an emerging hybrid modality that can provide strong endogenous and exogenous optical absorption contrasts with high ultrasonic spatial resolution, has overcome the fundamental depth limitation while keeping the spatial resolution. The image resolution, as well as the maximum imaging depth, is scalable with ultrasonic frequency within the reach of diffuse photons. 

In this presentation, the following topics will be discussed; 
(1) Multiscale and multiparametric trans-energy imaging systems, 
(2) Novel deep-learning powered image processing, 
(3) Recent clinical study results in pathology, endocrinology, oncology, cardiology, dermatology, and radiology, 
(4) Label-free ultrafast ultrasound Doppler imaging
(5) Efforts to commercialization.

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