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ECE Explorations (200): ECESAC Mental Health Seminar

Event Type
Illinois ECE
Room 1002, Grainger Auditorium, ECEB
Nov 13, 2024   5:00 pm  
Lily Rachlis, Counseling Center Paraprofessional and Vaiva Urbietyte, Counseling Center Paraprofessional
Cathy Koerner | Office of Advancement | 1070 ECEB
Originating Calendar
Illinois ECE Explorations

Title: Counseling Center Services: Supporting Engineering Students’ Mental Health and Well-Being.

Presenters: Lily Rachlis, Counseling Center Paraprofessional  and Vaiva Urbietyte, Counseling Center Paraprofessional

Abstract: Come learn about reducing your stress during finals! Being a Grainger student during finals season can be very stressful. If you find yourself anxious, losing sleep, or just overwhelmed with taking care of yourself on top of your busy schedule, we understand! Our workshop aims to help students with stress management, imposter phenomenon, and practicing self care. As Counseling Center Paraprofessionals, we are peer educators who care about the mental wellbeing of fellow students, and are very excited to help you out in staying mentally well this season!

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