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AE Recent Alumni Panel Discussion

Event Type
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Illini Union Rooms 103 and 104
Oct 11, 2024   12:00 - 2:00 pm  
Courtney McLearin
Originating Calendar
Department of Aerospace Engineering Events

Join the Aerospace Engineering Recent Alumni Advisory Group for panel discussions and networking. 

12:00 - 12:45pm
Session 1A | Room 103: Portfolio Building and Career Development
You’ve taken the classes and done the student organization projects, great. Now how do you represent this effectively to the recruiter? Join us as we talk through how to translate your student career into what recruiters and companies are looking for.

Session 1B | Room 104: Transitioning to the Professional World
What comes next once you’ve got that degree? We’ll talk through both professional and personal things to keep in mind as you start the next stage of your life

12:45pm: Break and Networking

Session 2A | Room 103: Power of Taking Non-Linear Career Trajectories
Are you worried about what kind of job you’ll do after college? Has your dream job morphed throughout your time as a student? Come pick our brains as we talk about how to navigate picking a path in the workforce, and our experiences in industry changes and finding your passions

Session 2B | Room 104: Emotional Intelligence in Teams
Finding the team setup frustrating no matter what? We’ll talk about the lesser prioritized, but highly effective ‘soft skill’ that is emotional intelligence that gives you the additional leg up in your teams, and helps you stand out as a leader in the workplace.

Panelists include:
Meghana Veeramachaneni, BS 2018 - The Boeing Company
Courtney Leverenz, BS 2021 - Virgin Galactic
Kuldeep Namdeo, BS 2023 - Cummins, Inc.
David Degenhardt, BS 2017, MS 2019 - Blue Origin
Nicholas Zuiker, BS 2018, MS 2020 - The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
Steven Macenski, BS 2017 - Open Navigation LLC

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