Claudio Gariazzo is a principal nuclear engineer and group leader of the Nonproliferation Innovation Group in the Strategic Security Sciences division at Argonne National Laboratory where he leads multi-disciplinary research and engagement teams in the areas of advanced reactor design and international safeguards; responsible nuclear materials management endeavors for domestic and international safeguards; and other affiliated activities in security sciences. He also leads multiple human capital development and academic endeavors with universities including collaborative research. He is currently the Chair of the Membership Committee of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management and holds adjunct professor positions with Texas A&M University and Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Gariazzo received his PhD in nuclear engineering from Texas A&M University and his MS and BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.
Zachery Beauvais is a nuclear nonproliferation specialist for the Strategic Security Sciences division at Argonne National Laboratory where he supports research and engagement initiatives in advanced reactors and global nonproliferation. His experience and expertise range in nuclear explosive operations, fuel cycle facility design, international safeguards, criticality safety and radiation detection. Mr. Beauvais received his MEng degree in Nuclear Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, his B.S.E. degree in Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences from the University of Michigan and is currently pursuing a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, performing dissertation research related to prompt gamma activation analysis.
Jonas Siegel is a Nonproliferation Policy Specialist in the Strategic Security Sciences Division of the Nuclear Technology and National Security Directorate at Argonne National Laboratory. He supports Department of Energy policy research and programming at the intersection of nuclear energy and nonproliferation. He previously served as the Associate Director of the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM), at the University of Maryland, and as the editor of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Dr. Siegel received his PhD in International Security Policy Studies from the University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy, and also holds an MA in Journalism from the University of Illinois.