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BIOE Seminar - Dr. Xueding Wang

Event Type
Bioengineering Department
Everitt Room 2310
Dec 1, 2023   2:00 - 3:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Bioengineering calendar

Light + Sound: Imaging & Therapy

Abstract: Photoacoustic imaging (PAI), also referred to as optoacoustic imaging, is an emerging biomedical imaging technology that is noninvasive, nonionizing, with high sensitivity, satisfactory imaging depth and good temporal and spatial resolution. Photo-mediated ultrasound therapy (PUT) is an emerging anti-vascular technology that, by combining synchronized light pulses and ultrasound bursts, has excellent efficacy, selectivity and safety in treatment of pathologic blood vessels in vivo. Ionizing radiation acoustic imaging (iRAI) is a recently invented technology which, with the unique capability in mapping the delivered x-ray dose in deep body in vivo, in real time, shows great potential for imaging-guided radiation therapy. In this talk, I will introduce our recently developments in these three interesting technologies at the University of Michigan, as well as their clinical applications.

Bio: Dr. Xueding Wang is a Jonathan Rubin Collegiate Professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, holding an adjunct Professor position at the Department of Radiology. Dr. Wang has extensive experience in imaging system development and adaptation of novel diagnostic technology to laboratory research and clinic, especially those involving light and ultrasound. Sponsored by NIH, NSF, DoD and other funding agencies, his research has led to over 160+ peer-reviewed journal publications. At the University of Michigan Medical School, a major part of his research is focused on clinical applications of photoacoustic imaging, including those involving arthritis, prostate cancer, breast cancer, Crohn’s disease, neurological disorders, and eye diseases. Dr. Wang is the recipient of the Sontag Foundation Fellow of the Arthritis National Research Foundation in 2005, and the Distinguished Investigator Award of the Academy of Radiology Research in 2013. Dr. Wang is a fellow of SPIE and AIMBE. He is also sitting on the editorial boards of scientific journals including Photoacoustics, Journal of Biomedical Optics, Medical Physics, and Ultrasonic Imaging, and being the steering committee member of the Journal of Lightwave Technology.

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