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3D Printing Remanufacturing: An Overview and Opportunities

Event Type
ISE Graduate Programs Office
1320 Digital Computer Lab - 1304 W. Springfield Ave. Urbana, IL
Nov 3, 2023   10:00 - 10:50 am  
Originating Calendar
ISE Seminar Calendar

Iris V. Rivero
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Rochester Institute of Technology

Due to the flexibility that 3D printing (3DP) and hybrid manufacturing processes offer for the generation of three-dimensional objects these processes are ideal for restoring damaged or worn components such as agricultural engine blocks and large aerospace components. Specially, the ease with which these processes can generate contoured and customized geometries lends these technologies to be adapted to address hard to reach, intricately, or irregularly shaped repair locations. However, the potential of these technologies for remanufacturing, and for that matter for their incorporation to production, has been compromised by the difficulty of understanding the processes mechanics and how they relate to controlling the repeatability and precision of resultant properties. This presentation, then, will discuss outcomes of a study which will highlight the beneficial impacts of 3DP remanufacturing emphasizing Direct Energy Deposition (DED), experimental set-up with a vision towards industrial implementation, and correlation of process in-situ performance with resultant components integrity. Discussion of this study will yield to identification of 3DP processes and their suitability for remanufacturing large components or structures, and establishment of critical research areas affecting quality control and assurance that must be addressed for these processes to be incorporated into the circular economy. Concluding remarks will describe infrastructural capabilities that can lend themselves to potential mutual research collaborations.

Dr. Iris V. Rivero is a Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering and an Affiliated Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). In the spring 2024 she will join the University of Florida as the Paul and Heidi Brown Preeminent Chair and Department Chair of Industrial and Systems Engineering. She received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering from Penn State University. Prior to RIT, she was at Iowa State University where she served as Director of Graduate Education and Associate Chair. Dr. Rivero initiated her career at Texas Tech University where she still holds an Adjunct Associate Professor position with the Department of Surgery of the Health Sciences Center. Her research expertise is in additive and hybrid manufacturing processes, as well as biomedical manufacturing. Her research extends to applications ranging from in-situ nondestructive testing of manufacturing processes to design of Additive Manufacturing alloys for aerospace and biomaterials for tissue engineering. She was a faculty fellow at NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center, and her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, and NASA, to name a few. She has over 85 peer-reviewed publications and over 95 invited talks and peer-reviewed presentations. She is a fellow in the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers 

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