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Robotics Seminar: Salto-1P, Small Walkers, Spirit 40, and Soon-to-be Robots

Event Type
Illinois Robotics Group
CSL Studio room, 1232
Feb 3, 2023   1:00 - 2:00 pm  
Prof. Justin Yim
Originating Calendar
Illinois ECE Calendar

Title: Salto-1P, Small Walkers, Spirit 40, and Soon-to-be Robots

Abstract: Legged robots show great promise in navigating environments that are difficult for conventional platforms, but they do not yet have the agility, endurance, and related physical ability to deliver on this potential. This talk presents an overview of three robots that address different aspects of legged mobility (organized in increasing numbers of legs). The monoped Salto-1P explores agile leaping to enable a small robot to clear large obstacles, simple bipeds investigate how walking scales to smaller sizes, and perception and control for quadruped Spirit-40 tackle walking through entanglements. Discussion of future directions (and potential avenues for collaboration) concludes the presentation.

Bio: Dr. Justin Yim is a new assistant professor at UIUC in the Mechanical Science and Engineering department. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and his B.S.E. and M.S.E. from the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to starting at UIUC, he was a Computing Research Association CIFellow 2020 postdoc with Aaron Johnson at Carnegie Mellon University. Justin Yim's research interests are in the design and control of legged robots to improve performance and understand locomotion principles. For his dissertation work developing the jumping monopod robot Salto-1P, he received best paper and best student paper awards at the IEEE/RSJ IROS and IEEE ICRA conferences.

Location: If you plan to attend virtually, please use the following zoom meeting information to join us:
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 Meeting ID: 846 7722 4909

 Password: 961445

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