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Summer Research Program Lunch & Learn: Mentors, Advisors, and Sponsors - You need them all! - Ruta Mehta, Gang Wang, Colleen Lewis

Event Type
Illinois Computer Science
Hybrid (In-person at Siebel Center, room 2405 and online at zoom link)
Jun 22, 2022   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Computer Science Undergraduate Research

Mentors, Advisors, and Sponsors - You need them all!

Mentors, advisors, and sponsors are all important in your development as a scholar and researcher as you move through your CS career. In this session you will learn about how people in each of these roles will support your development and growth, how to connect with each, and the various opportunities we have within the Illinois CS community to connect with mentors, advisors, and sponsors!

Professors Colleen Lewis, Ruta Mehta, and Gang Wang will be this session's panelists.

Colleen Lewis is an Associate Professor of computer science (CS) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Lewis was previously the McGregor-Girand Associate Professor of CS at  Harvey Mudd College. At the University of California, Berkeley, Lewis completed a PhD in science and mathematics education, an MS in computer science, and a BS in electrical engineering and computer science. Her research seeks to identify and remove barriers to CS learning and understand and optimize CS learning. Lewis curates, a NSF-sponsored project for disseminating effective CS teaching practices. Lewis has received the NSF CAREER Award, the Undergraduate Mentoring Award and the Emerging Leader Award for her efforts to broaden participation in computing.

Ruta Mehta is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prior to joining UIUC, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Simons Institute, UC Berkeley, and at the College of Computing, Georgia Tech. She did her Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India. Her research interests lie in theoretical computer science and its interface with economics, games theory, fair division, and learning. For her research, she has received the NSF CAREER Award, the Simons-Berkeley Research Fellowship, and the Best Postdoctoral Award (given by CoC@GT). Her Ph.D. thesis won the ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award and the IIT-Bombay Excellence in Ph.D. Thesis Award.

Gang Wang is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He obtained his Ph.D. from UC Santa Barbara in 2016, and a B.E. from Tsinghua University in 2010. Before joining University of Illinois, he worked as an assistant professor at Virginia Tech from 2016 to 2019. His research interests are Security and Privacy, Data Mining, and Internet Measurements. His work primarily takes a data-driven approach to address emerging security threats in massive communication systems, crowdsourcing systems, mobile applications, and enterprise networks. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award (2018), Amazon Research Award (2021), Google Faculty Research Award (2017), and Best Paper Awards from IMWUT 2019, ACM CCS 2018, and SIGMETRICS 2013. His projects have been covered by various media outlets such as MIT Technology Review, The New York Times, Boston Globe, and ACM TechNews.


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