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NPRE 596 Graduate Seminar Series - Dr. Francesco Venneri

Event Type
NPRE 596 Graduate Seminar Series
103 Transportation Building, 104 S Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801
Oct 8, 2019   4:00 - 4:50 pm  
Francesco Venneri, Chief Executive Officer, Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation
Free and Open to the Public
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NPRE seminars

Ultra Safe Nuclear Vision of Simple, Scalable, Secure SMRs

With partners Global First Power and Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG), Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC) is proposing to construct and operate a 15MW thermal Small Modular Reactor (SMR). This conglomeration of companies is the first proponent in the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories SMR program to advance to stage 3 (Commercial arrangements stage) of a thorough review process. This first example of Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation’s advanced Micro Modular Reactor (MMR) technology is on track for construction at Chalk River Laboratories, Ontario, Canada in 2023.    (CRL MMR Project Description)

Seattle-based USNC’s strategy is to make nuclear power acceptable to and usable by as many people, and in as many places as possible through development of MMRs that can be massed-produced, while providing benefits in enhancing nuclear security and nonproliferation. Mass production will lead to predictable cost reductions, delivering the hugely beneficial impacts of nuclear energy in order to effectively address resource, environmental and climate concerns on a global scale.

Bio: Dr. Francesco Venneri received his Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Illinois in 1988 with a Dense Plasma Focus on magnetized plasmas, x-ray production and diagnostics. He continued on to a postdoctoral research position at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in Physics performing MST fusion experiments, density and temperature diagnostics. Afterwards, Dr. Venneri worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory in the Physics Division working on Z-pinch x-ray diagnostics and Inertial liner implosion plasmas and was the National Project Leader for Accelerator-driven Transmutation of nuclear Waste (ATW). Later, at General Atomics as a Chief Scientist within the Energy Group (fission systems), Dr. Venneri oversaw research on deep burn destruction of nuclear waste using TRISO fuel and deep burn applied to gas-cooled reactors.  In 2008, he went on to work for Logos Technologies as the Head of Nuclear Systems working with Fully Ceramic Microencapsulate (FCM) fuel and with compact transportable reactors. Currently, Dr. Venneri is the CEO at Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (UNCS).

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