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ECE Explorations (200): "Product Development Process: How to Build Consumer Electronics"

Event Type
ECE Illinois
ECEB 1002, Grainger Auditorium
Oct 2, 2019   5:00 pm  
Chris Baker, Product Manager, Google
Bridget Hillier | Office of Advancement | 1070 ECE Building
Originating Calendar
Illinois ECE Explorations

Have you ever wondered how your smartphone went from an idea on a white board to a product in your pocket? Teams building consumer electronics like phones, tablets, laptops, etc. each follow a product development process (PDP) with several common steps to develop ideas into products. Join us for an overview of a generalized PDP for consumer electronics and learn how it helps teams manage the engineering and other challenges of bringing products to market. Please RSVP for the event at:

Speaker Bio:  
Chris currently works as a Product Manager for Google's Pixel Phones. Prior to Google Chris worked as a Product Manager for augmented reality wearables and software at DAQRI and before that as a Software Engineering at Microsoft. Chris graduated from ECE at UIUC with a BSEE with honors and a minor from the Hoeft Technology and Management Program. During his time as a student at Illinois, Chris enjoyed shooting trap and Inline Insomnia. He's an avid skier, and his favorite local food is Black Dog BBQ.

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