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Pink flyer with photo of book cover for "Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life" by Emily Nagoski, PhD. Text reads: "Women's Resources Center Book Club. Limited free copies available. Register to reserve your copy. Friday, February 21, 4 - 5 PM at the WRC"

"Come As You Are" Book Club

Event Type
Women's Resources Center
Women's Resources Center - 616 E Green St, Suite #213, Champaign IL 61820
Feb 21, 2025   4:00 - 5:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Women's Resources Center

Join the staff of the Women's Resources Center as we discuss the the revolutionary sexuality education text "Come As You Are", written by Emily Nagoski, PhD. During our conversations, we will examine the messages we've received about sex from school, parents, friends, social media, and explore what sex positivity can look like in practice in a sex-negative world. 

Book discussion will take place at the Women's Resources Center on Friday, February 21, from 4 - 5 PM at the Women's Resources Center (616 E Green St, Suite #213).

Limited copies of the book are available on a first come, first served basis by request. Students (undergraduate & graduate) will be prioritized. Register here to reserve your copy:

While we recommend participants read the full text, we will be focusing on Chapter 5: Cultural Context - A Sex-Positive Life in a Sex-Negative World during our conversation.

Book description:
In this text, Dr Nagoski uses groundbreaking science and research to prove that the most important factor in creating and sustaining a sex life filled with confidence and joy is not what the parts are or how they’re organized but how you feel about them. In the years since the book’s initial publication, countless women have learned through Nagoski’s accessible and informative guide that things like stress, mood, trust, and body image are not peripheral factors in a woman’s sexual wellbeing; they are central to it—and that even if you don’t always feel like it, you are already sexually whole by just being yourself. This revised and updated edition continues that mission with new information and advanced research, demystifying and decoding the science of sex so that everyone can create a better sex life and discover more pleasure than you ever thought possible. 

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