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CAS/MillerComm, Mahzarin Banaji, Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People

Event Type
Center for Advanced Study
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science & Technology, Auditorium
Sep 19, 2024   4:00 pm  
Center for Advanced Study
Originating Calendar
Center for Advanced Study

In an era of increased awareness of diversity and inclusion, understanding hidden bias and its impact on educational institutions has become paramount. Professor Mahzarin Banaji is an experimental psychologist who has spent 35 years understanding how the mind works in social contexts. Her presentation will center on a science-based analysis of the hard questions of how to lead in an ever-changing world where who is "us" and who is "them" has significantly changed from what those words meant to our predecessors.

Hosted by: Inclusive Excellence Office | College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

In conjunction with: Academy for Excellence in Engineering Education (AE3), American Indian Studies Program, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science & Technology, Cancer Center at Illinois, Center for Social & Behavioral Science, College of Education, College of Law, Department of Asian American Studies, Department of Classics, Department of Communication, Department of History, Department of Latina/Latino Studies, Department of Philosophy, Department of Political Science, Department of Psychology, Department of Sociology, Humanities Research Institute, Institute for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access (IDEA), Grainger College of Engineering, Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute

About the speaker | Mahzarin Banaji
Richard Clarke Cabot Professor of Social Ethics
Department of Psychology
Harvard University

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