Fall 08

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2024 Summer School in Quantitative Cell Biology

Event Type
Chris Zwilling
Aug 5, 2024 - Aug 9, 2024   8:30 am  
Registration Fee: $100 students; $175 postdocs; $250 all others, Apply by July 12
Registration by July 12
Chris Zwilling
Originating Calendar
Beckman Institute Calendar (internal events only)

The mission of the NSF STC for Center for Quantitative Cell Biology is to develop 4D (space and time) computer models of whole cells functioning under normal and stressed conditions. This modeling is guided by developing cutting-edge experimental tools that generate datasets with unprecedented resolution.

This Summer School in Quantitative Cell Biology is designed for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and researchers in physics, biophysics, chemical and life sciences, and engineering who seek to expand their research skills in quantitative methods for studying and modelling cells. The workshop will include lectures, mini-courses, and hands-on training in experimental and computational techniques.

Theme 1: Chemical imaging, spectroscopy and computation

Theme 2: Gene expression at nanometer resolution using MINFLUX

Theme 3: Experimental and Computational Studies of the Minimal Cell

Selection and notification of participants completed on a rolling basis.

Registration Fee: $100 students; $175 postdocs; $250 all others

Housing, some meals, and all course materials will be provided.

Questions? Email qcb@beckman.illinois.edu

Apply by July 12th

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