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iCU Intercultural Dialogue Series: Fika Like a Swede

Event Type
International Education and Asian American Cultural Center
Apr 6, 2022   5:30 - 7:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
International Education

Fika like a Swede with Prajna, as she presents her personal experience living in Sweden for 5+ formative years. She will share her learning from the social culture of Sweden. What is Fika, and what role does it play in different social settings? How to make new friends in Sweden? What is the work culture like? Can you greet strangers with a smile? What is small talk and are Swedes good at it? What should you NEVER ask a Swede? Get your answers to these, many more and anything else you have wondered about Sweden @ the iCU talk. Paid for by the Student Cultural Programming Fee (SCPF). 

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