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IQUIST Young Researchers Seminar: "Stabilizing entanglement between remote superconducting circuits," Abdullah Irfan, Pfaff Group

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190 Engineering Sciences Building, 1101 W Springfield Ave, Urbana, IL 61801
Sep 4, 2024   11:00 - 11:50 am  
Abdullah Irfan, Pfaff Group
Wolfgang Pfaff
Originating Calendar
IQUIST Young Researchers Seminar

Stabilizing entanglement between remote superconducting circuits

Abstract: Inevitable coupling to the environment makes it difficult to preserve the quantum nature of a system. Quantum reservoir engineering is a powerful paradigm that allows one to make use of the environment of a system to stabilize its quantum state. With entanglement being one of the defining features of quantum mechanics, it is particularly interesting to understand the conditions under which spatially distributed entangled states can be stabilized.

I will begin this talk by discussing a well understood protocol that stabilizes a nontrivial quantum state in an open system: two qubits dissipatively coupled to a chiral waveguide can be driven into an entangled steady [1]. I will then show that by coupling a pair of storage qubits to the two driven qubits, the steady state can be tailored such that the storage qubits show a degree of entanglement that is higher than what can be achieved with only two driven qubits coupled to the waveguide [2]. This will be followed by a brief introduction to superconducting circuits, and the hardware that we have developed in the lab that allows prototyping remote qubit experiments. Finally, I will discuss progress towards an implementation of driven-dissipative entanglement between remote superconducting qubits.

[1]: Stannigel et al., New J. Phys (2012)
[2]: Irfan et al., Phys. Rev. Res. (2024)       

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