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CAPS Seminar: A search for millimeter-wave transient sources in the galactic plane with SPT-3G

Event Type
Center for AstroPhysical Surveys
NCSA - 1205 W Clark St, Urbana - RM 1040
wifi event
Apr 19, 2024   12:30 - 1:00 pm  
Yujie Wan, CAPS Graduate Student Fellow
Cynthia Trendafilova
Originating Calendar
Center for AstroPhysical Surveys

Title: A search for millimeter-wave transient sources in the galactic plane with SPT-3G

Abstract: Recently, cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments have opened the millimeter-wave (mm) regime of the electromagnetic spectrum to time domain astrophysics. While many observations in the mm have occurred in the past, this is the first time that transient events have been blindly discovered in blank-field surveys, as opposed to follow-up or pointed observations. The dominant source of time variability in the mm extragalactic sky are blazars. In the galaxy, the mm transient signal is dominated by stellar flares ~1e5 times more energetic than flares from our own Sun. The South Pole Telescope (SPT) has recently conducted the first mm-wave time domain survey of the Galactic plane. This survey consists of ~500 observations over 125 square degrees of the Galactic plane. The survey measures intensity and linear polarization in three bands centered at 95, 150 and 220 GHz. Preliminary data reduction and analysis are currently underway and I will present the first preliminary results of our survey in this talk.

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