College of LAS: For Faculty & Staff

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Student Speakers Purba Mukherjee (Bagchi Lab) "Transcriptional analysis of placental development using single nuclei RNA sequencing" & Yinka Ojo (Raetzman Lab) "Phthalate-induced pituitary inflammation leads to early female reproductive aging"

Event Type
MIP Seminar Committee
Charles Miller Auditorium, B102, CLSL
Oct 31, 2024   11:00 am  
Julie Moore
Originating Calendar
Molecular and Integrative Physiology (MIP) Department Seminar Series

Purba Murkherjee-"Transcriptional analysis of placental development using single nuclei RNA sequencing"
Bagchi Lab-Overall goal of research in my laboratory is to identify the molecular pathways
regulated by the steroid hormones estrogen and progesterone during growth and differentiation 
of hormone-responsive tissues. The physiological effects of these hormones are mediated 
through cognate nuclear receptors, which function as ligand-inducible transcription factors. We 
are working to characterize, at molecular and cellular levels, the hormonal mechanisms that 
regulate embryo implantation and fertility. 
Yinka Ojo- "Phthalate-induced pituitary inflammation leads to early female reproductive aging"
Raetzman Lab- Research in my laboratory is focused on  understanding the role of cell-cell signaling during pituitary development. We  hypothesize that the Notch signaling pathway may play an important role in the   proliferation and lineage specific differentiation of progenitor cells in the  embryonic pituitary. 

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