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Hot Jupiter

Solving the Origins and Diversity of Giant Planets

Event Type
Department of Astronomy
134 Astronomy Building
wifi event
Feb 6, 2024   3:45 - 4:45 pm  
Jiayin Dong
Daniel Franco
Originating Calendar
Astronomy Colloquium Speaker Calendar

Giant planets in extrasolar systems exhibit a remarkable diversity in their orbital architectures. This raises the question: What shapes the diverse architectures of these giant planets? I will begin by discussing hot Jupiter's, giant planets with orbital periods of just a few days. The origin of these planets has puzzled astronomers for nearly three decades. I will present new lines of evidence, utilizing data from NASA's TESS, the JWST, and ground-based observations, all pointing to a single mechanism for forming hot Jupiter's. Next, I will discuss warm Jupiter's, giant planets with orbital periods of tens of days. Here, I will introduce the largest homogeneous sample of warm Jupiter's to date and reveal several previously unknown properties of these planets. Additionally, I will explore how the formation mechanisms of hot Jupiter's compare to or differ from those of warm Jupiter's, highlighting their interconnected linkages. Lastly, I will discuss future perspectives in the research of cold Jupiter's, emphasizing the potential contributions of Gaia and Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs). By the end of this talk, I aim to present a unified framework that integrates the various aspects discussed, offering insights into the origins and diversity of giant planets.

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