Anasua Chatterjee
Professor, University of Copenhagen
Faculty Candidate Seminar
February 23,
2023, 10:00-11:00am
1000 HMNTL and Via Zoom
Title: Increasing
the complexity of quantum devices
Abstract: Encoding
quantum information in the spins of electrons or holes confined in
semiconductor quantum dots is an extremely promising technology, due to long
coherence times, inherent gate-voltage tunability, and compatibility with
industrial foundry fabrication. As these quantum devices are scaled up in
linear and two-dimensional arrays, the density of gate electrodes can lead to
more and more operational complexity. In this talk, I will present our advances
in implementing fast, high-fidelity, and simultaneous qubit readout as well as
in the automated tuning, loading and calibration of gate-voltage
controlled arrays of quantum dots. I will also showcase new techniques such as
real-time fast feedback that enable "online" closed-loop control of
quantum systems. Lastly, I will showcase the possibility of applying these
advances from the field of quantum information to fundamental condensed matter
physics and mesoscopics, such as the quantum Hall effect and hybrid
superconductor-semiconductor materials.
Anasua Chatterjee is an Assistant Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. Located at the Center for Quantum Devices, her group researches better ways to build, operate, and scale solid-state quantum hardware, drawing on algorithmic techniques as well as highly fast and sensitive readout. She received her PhD from University College London, and her AB from Princeton University, and has been a visiting researcher at the University of Cambridge. Anasua is the recipient of an Inge Lehmann Program grant and was previously an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Postdoctoral Fellow.