Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Calendar

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NVIDIA Open Software Tools for Science Workshop

Event Type
NCSA Center for Artificial Intelligence Innovation
wifi event
Oct 29, 2020   1:00 - 4:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Illinois ECE Calendar
NVIDIA Open Software Tools for Science


The NCSA Center for Artificial Intelligence Innovation calls all data scientists to participate in the Open Software Tools for Science NVIDIA Workshop. Taught by NVIDIA Data Scientists, this event will provide a comprehensive overview of end-to-end data science and analytics pipelines for data-driven discovery. This workshop will be on October 29th from 1-4pm via Zoom and is open to all.

Workshop Zoom link:
Please note: participants will be required to sign in to their Zoom account before entering the meeting

1:00-1:45pm CST
We’ll discuss the NVIDIA HPC SDK, a comprehensive, integrated suite of compilers, libraries and tools for the NVIDIA HPC Platform with new developments that continue to open GPU computing to a wider audience of developers and users, including automatic acceleration and tensor core programmability in standard languages and novel libraries for compute and communication.

2:00-2:45pm CST
High-Performance Data Science with RAPIDS—Zahra Ronaghi
RAPIDS is a collection of open-source libraries for accelerating data science pipelines on GPUs, and is designed with familiar APIs for data scientists working in Python. We will present an overview of this platform, core libraries including cuDF (GPU-accelerated dataframes) and cuML (GPU-accelerated machine learning), and Dask on GPUs for large-scale data analytics.

3:00-3:45pm CST
AI for Science—Tom Gibbs & David Hall
Explore how the latest breakthroughs in AI are being applied to problems in climate, weather, satellite remote sensing, material science, biological systems, high energy physics, and space. Deep learning may be viewed as a new method for building GPU-accelerated scientific software that was previously far beyond our reach. We will discuss some of the cutting-edge breakthroughs that have been achieved with these techniques, and examine recent progress addressing major science specific challenges such as interpretability, uncertainty quantification, and enforcing physical constraints. Then we will explore the latest AI trends and discuss the scientific opportunities they present.

This event is open; please feel free to share event information with colleagues, faculty, friends, students, etc. We hope to see you there!

link for robots only