American Indian Studies Program

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Between Virtual Roles and Sovereign Worlds: Tribal Advisors in Historically White Institutions

Event Type
Native American House
Room 314A, Illini Union (1401 W Green St., Urbana)
Nov 29, 2023   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Native American House

Dr. Karen Francis-Begay (Diné), Independent Scholar & Higher Education Consultant 

Dr. Francis-Begay will share perspectives of tribal advisors representing different historically white institutions across the western United States who participated in her dissertation. The research questions of the study focused on the institutions’ understanding of sovereignty and the tribal advisor’s role of embedding an awareness of sovereignty and Native Nation building. She will share strategies tribal advisors use for negotiating tensions experienced within the institution, key findings from the study, and conclude with implications for practice and future research. 

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