Grants of up to $500 per academic year are available for professional staff in the College of Fine and Applied Arts.
Special grant funds may be used for the following:
- To encourage professional development by supporting attendance at conferences, workshops, performances, exhibitions, and other professional events.
- To support instruction, research, and creative activity through the purchase of software, equipment, or other supplies; hiring student research support; or preparing exhibitions, concerts, or publications. Equipment purchased with these funds is considered university property and when acquired for an individual’s use remains university-owned property after the individual’s position is terminated (OBFS policy section 12.1).
Funds will be awarded on the basis of the unit’s priority, the completeness and clarity of the application, eligibility of the project, and availability of funds. All professional staff are eligible to apply for professional development, research, and creative activity funding. Should more than one proposal be submitted in a unit, the unit executive officer will prioritize the requests.
Eligible staff may request funding up to $500 per academic year.
Application Process
Complete and submit the grant request form using your Enterprise ID and your Enterprise password.