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Revolution & Counter-Revolution in Sudan: Social Movements Reading Group

Event Type
Humanities Research Institute (HRI)
Salaam MENA Cultural CenterHRI Social Movements Reading Group invites you to join us Mon Feb 10, 5-6:30 PM at Salaam Center to discuss what Sudanese organizers have called “counter-revolutionary war” in Sudan. Readings focus on history, political economic interests, and revolutionary movements leading to the current moment. Open to all, food provided. Sponsored by CU Muslim Action Committee (MAC) and GEO. RSVP to join email list and access readings:
Feb 10, 2025   5:00 - 6:30 pm  
Chelsea Birchmier
Originating Calendar
Campus Humanities Calendar

HRI Social Movements Reading Group invites you to join us Mon Feb 10, 5-6:30 PM at Salaam Center to discuss what Sudanese organizers have called “counter-revolutionary war” in Sudan. Readings focus on history, political economic interests, and revolutionary movements leading to the current moment. Open to all, food provided. Sponsored by CU Muslim Action Committee (MAC) and GEO. RSVP to join email list and access readings:

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