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MIP Seminar of Special Interest: Dr. Michael Schappe, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School "Physiology under pressure: Cells and circuits of organ protection"

Event Type
MCB Search Committee
Charles Miller Auditorium, B102, CLSL
Jan 21, 2025   1:30 pm  
Michael Schappe, Ph.D.
Originating Calendar
Molecular and Integrative Physiology (MIP) Department Seminar Series

Dr. Michael Schappe, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Department of Cell Biology.
My research ultimately seeks to understand the molecular mechanisms enabling body-brain pathways to sense and adapt physiology. I am interested how the nervous system protects the body with ‘sensory neighborhoods’ – collaborative networks in which the peripheral nervous system interacts with specialized cells, including epithelial, secretory and immune cells, to detect and transduce salient tissue signals to higher-order physiological circuits. My
research focuses on how visceral sensory pathways initiate protective circuits to adapt respiratory physiology
and trigger breathing reflexes.


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