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Dept. of Philosophy Colloquium Lecture: J. David Velleman

Event Type
Department of Philosophy
Gregory Hall 223 (and virtual option)
Oct 11, 2024   3:00 - 5:00 pm  
Heather Gernenz
Originating Calendar
Campus Humanities Calendar

Please join us for a lecture by J. David Velleman, the Miller Research Professor in Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University. 

In “A Method for Metaethics,” Velleman considers the question “What turns a fact into a reason for acting?” but he doesn’t answer the question; rather, he propose a method for finding the answer. He arrives at that method by considering the views of historical figures such as Aristotle and David Hume as well as the 20th-century philosophers Elizabeth Anscombe, Donald Davidson, and Bernard Williams. The method he proposes cannot be derived from the mere concept of a reason for acting, but he suggests that we cannot derive a theory of reasons for acting by simply analyzing that concept. 

This lecture will also be available on zoom. Please email for a link. 

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