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The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs

Event Type
Departments of Geology & History
Natural History Building 2079
Mar 7, 2023   5:00 pm  
Prof. Stephen Brusatte (University of Edinburgh)
Max Christie
Originating Calendar
History Department

This public lecture will tell the story of over 230 million years of dinosaur evolution, from their humble origins to the evolution of giants to their (near) extinction 65 million years ago.

Dr. Brusatte is a world expert on the evolution and diversification of dinosaurs, whose work is regularly featured in popular and scientific journals. He is the paleontology advisor to the Jurassic World film franchise and has personally named more than 15 new dinosaur species.

Dr. Brusatte is also a best-selling popular author of The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs and, more recently, The Rise and Reign of the Mammals. Following the lecture there will be a reception and book signing, with copies of Dr. Brusatte's books available for purchase. 

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