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Dr. Maryam Kashani Book Talk

Event Type
Asian American Studies Department and Gender & Women's Studies Department
Asian American Cultural Center
Sep 28, 2023   4:00 - 5:30 pm  
Originating Calendar
Asian American Studies

Please join us for a book talk by Dr. Maryam Kashani on her newest book project: Medina by the Bay.

The book talk will take place on Thursday, September 28th at 4 pm in the Asian American Cultural Center, Room 1030. Here is a description of the book:

From the Black Power movement and state surveillance to Silicon Valley and gentrification, Medina by the Bay examines how multiracial Muslim communities in the San Francisco Bay Area survive and flourish within and against racial capitalist, carceral, and imperial logics. 

In this talk, Kashani will read from and discuss the book and related filmworks, focusing on how she weaves expansive histories, peoples, and geographies together in an ethnographic screenplay of cinematic scenes.

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