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Towards a European Green Deal: Green Central Banking and the Strategic Partnership

Event Type
European Union Center
108 Coble Hall
Oct 17, 2023   1:00 - 2:00 pm  

Green central banking and the European Green Deal are two distinct but interconnected concepts that aim to address environmental and climate changes in the context of monetary policy in the European Union (EU). Central banks can support the implementation of the European Green Deal by aligning their policies and actions with the broader objectives of the EU's sustainability agenda. This Jean Monnet SMAART Seminar and brown bag will be given by Dr. Serpil Kahraman, Associate Professor of Economics at Yaşar University and Visiting Scholar in the Department of Economics at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

About the speakerSerpil Kahraman is an Associate Professor of Economics at Yasar University, Turkey. She completed her Ph.D. in economics (2009), M.A. in Economics (2005), and B.A. in Economics (1999) at the University of Istanbul, Turkey. She received her Assoc.Prof.Dr. title from the Interuniversities Board in2018. She worked as a visiting assistant professor at the department of Economics, San Diego State University, USA and visiting post-doc scholar at the department of Economics and Center for Global Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign from 2015 to 2016. Dr.Kahraman received research grant at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 2023. She worked at the Koc Bank Head Office as an investment advisor, Ereks Foreign Trade Co., and Genel Insurance Co. as a financial analyst. Her writings published in major Turkish TV channels and Newspapers. Her research interests are monetary theory and policy, political economy, and history of economics in Ottoman Empire. She has been working as a EU project expert on sustainable development and information economics. She has worked as a Vice Director of Graduate School between the years 2016 and 2022. Now, Dr. Kahraman is the Acting Head of the Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Vice Dean of the Business Faculty.

Light lunch (sandwiches and drinks such as soda, coffee and tea) will be provided.

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