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Humanitarian and Medical Challenges of Wartime: The Evacuation of Children Diagnosed with Cancer and Blood Disorders from Ukraine

Event Type
European Union Center
Lucy Ellis Lounge, Foreign Languages Building, 707 S Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801
Feb 16, 2023   4:00 - 5:30 pm  

Russia's invasion of Ukraine created acute challenges for patients requiring lifesaving medical care. Among the most vulnerable groups were children receiving treatment for cancer and blood disorders. In the first few months of the war, the Italian charity Soleterre contributed to a major international effort to evacuate these children from Ukraine. The Memphis-based St. Jude Children's Research Hospital collaborated with several international organizations to set up a triage center in Southern Poland to help medically evaluate patients and ultimately triage them to hospitals internationally. Soleterre and St. Jude continue to work with Ukrainian children and their families and respond to the needs of the Ukrainian medical community. Please join the European Union Center at the University of Illinois for this panel discussion about this extraordinary collaborative, international effort in response to the largest military emergency in Europe since World War II. 

This evacuation effort was the subject of a report on the television show 60 Minutes. 


Tetiana Molodii, Ukrainian psychologist, Soleterre, Italy 

Marta Salek, pediatric oncologist, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital 

Stefano Oltolini, Emergency Ukraine Coordinator (former), Soleterre, Italy

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