This event is part of a series of virtual coffee hours with working professionals hosted by the European Union Center. These virtual coffee hours are intended to be an opportunity for undergraduate and masters students at the University of Illinois to meet and chat informally and network with working professionals from different fields. The virtual coffee hour will begin with a 15-minute presentation by the speaker, followed by 45 minutes of informal discussion and questions from students. Students are strongly encouraged to come with questions prepared. Please register here.
Carlo Di Giulio graduated from the M.A. program in European Union Studies in 2017 with a thesis on data privacy, IT security certifications, and data flows between the EU and the U.S. After graduation, Carlo moved back to his home country of Italy and worked as a Business Developer and M&A specialist for a leading Italian trust service provider. As of mid-2020, he is the Head of Sales and Business Development for Víntegris, a trust service provider headquartered in Barcelona, Spain.