European Union Center Events

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19th Annual European Union Day: A Conversation with Swedish Hip-Hop Artist Jason “Timbuktu” Diakité

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European Union Center; Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center; Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures; Department of Theatre; School of Music
Feb 25, 2021   3:00 pm  

Please join the European Union Center for a conversation with Swedish hip-hop artist Jason Diakité (aka Timbuktu), who will talk about his music, his memoir (A Drop of Midnight, which was recently translated into English), and the podcast he produces with chef Marcus Samuelsson (“This Moment”). A Drop of Midnight is a remembrance of the journey that Mr. Diakité’s parents made from Harlem, New York to Lund, Sweden in the 1960s, and his reconnection and engagement with his family’s identity as an adult in Sweden. His podcast with Marcus Samuelsson began just after the murder of George Floyd, and deals with transatlantic perceptions of issues involving the Black Lives Matter movement, how the two speakers talk to their children about racism, effects of COVID-19 on their respective industries, and future trends in creative economic sectors. Please register here. For more information on the full EU Day 2021 schedule of events, please see here.

Please also see the University of Illinois's library guide on rap and hip hop research resources

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