MCB Seminars-School of Molecular and Cellular Biology Seminars

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MIP Seminar: Dr. Denise Okafor, Ph.D., Penn State University, "Allosteric mechanisms of transcriptional control in FXR"

Event Type
MIP seminar committee
Charles Miller Auditorium, B102, CLSL
Mar 6, 2025   11:00 am  
Denise Okafor, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Originating Calendar
Molecular and Integrative Physiology (MIP) Department Seminar Series

Research Summary

We investigate structural mechanisms of signaling and regulation in protein complexes. We use MD simulations to determine how conformational dynamics of proteins are altered in different functional states. A broad range of biochemical and structural techniques are also employed. Combined, these allow us to carefully elucidate molecular mechanisms that govern the regulation of protein function. By understanding how proteins are regulated endogenously, we aim to identify novel strategies to selectively modulate protein function. Nuclear receptors are one of our favorite classes of molecules to study, because of the fascinatingly complex but elegant allosteric regulatory mechanisms that drive their function. They also play critical roles in metabolism, development, reproduction and other biological processes, which make them highly attractive therapeutic targets.


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