Astronomy Journal Club

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Astronomy Journal Club: Di Wen

Event Type
UIUC Astronomy
134 Astronomy
Sep 16, 2019   12:00 pm  

Title: Tracing Dark Energy with Dark Matter Halos

Abstract: The evolution of the large-scale structure of the universe can be different in the cold dark matter paradigm with different dark energy models. I will describe how the counts-in-cells probability distribution function of dark matter halos can be used to distinguish among a cosmological constant, quintessence and phantom dark energy models. I will discuss the counts-in-cells distribution of dark matter halos between redshifts z=0 to z=4 on both linear and non-linear scales in the Dark Energy Universe Simulations and their best-fit analytical models. The percentage differences of quintessence and phantom dark energy on the counts-in-cells distribution in comparison with the standard cold dark matter cosmology with a cosmological constant are a few percent at low redshift, but can be significantly larger at high redshift. This may provide a potential way to distinguish among dark energy models using galaxy surveys.

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