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AI Infodemic Reading Group: Session 4

Event Type
University Library
Mar 31, 2021   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
No Cost
Sarah Appedu

Artificial intelligence is increasingly shaping the future of information seeking, discovery, and curation. While AI may claim to make these practices easier, several scholars have been raising essential questions about the nature of this technology and its implications for racial justice, political polarization, and privacy in the information ecosystem.

The fourth session of the AI Infodemic: Interrogating Algorithms of Information Seeking reading group turns to the topic of information curation. Ideas covered during this session will include hashtag activism on social media, online identity formation, and the commodification of human behavior.

For a complete list of materials covered in this session, view the schedule on the program website. Join our mailing list to receive the link to the Zoom meeting and regular updates about the program.

The AI Infodemic: Interrogating Algorithms of Information Seeking reading group is sponsored by the HRI Research Cluster: AI & Society: Privacy, Ethics and (Dis)Information.

Co-organizers: Sarah Appedu (MLS Student) & Lisa Hinchliffe (Library Faculty)

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