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Touching All The Bases: A Peek Inside the World of a Baseball Physicist

Event Type
Physics Department
141 Loomis Laboratory
Sep 28, 2019   10:15 am  
Prof. Alan Nathan
Patrick J Snyder
Originating Calendar
Physics - Saturday Physics for Everyone

For those that missed it, you can watch the recorded talk here:

After reading Bob Adair's classic book The Physics of Baseball over 20 years ago, I thought I knew everything there was to know about the subject.  I have since learned much more than I ever thought possible, due in large part to the development of advanced scientific tools which allow for detailed scientific studies  about baseball.  Advances arose in two broad areas:  The aerodynamics of a baseball in flight and the physics of the ball-bat collision.  Not only have these advances furthered our understanding of baseball physics, but they have also had a practical application to the game itself.  I will provide many examples, including a selection of the following:

- The role of the batter's grip during the ball-bat collision.

- How atmospheric conditions affect the flight of the baseball.

- Knuckleballs, gyroballs, and all that.

- What's the deal with the humidor?

- Drilling down on the home run surge.

I will sprinkle the talk with amusing high-speed videos and anecdotes about our national pastime.  So, the talk should have something for everybody, whether your interest is primarily physics, baseball, or the intersection between them.

Touching All The Bases: A Peek Inside the World of a Baseball Physicist

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