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Astronomy Colloquium - "Growing SMBHs: Harness the Power of Public Surveys"

Event Type
Department of Astronomy
Feb 9, 2021   3:45 pm  
Prof. Yue Shen, UIUC
Rebecca Bare
Originating Calendar
Astronomy Colloquium Speaker Calendar

The central engine and the ambient medium around rapidly accreting supermassive black holes (AGN or quasars) are too small to spatially resolve in the distant universe. Observationally studying the physical processes on these spatial scales largely rely on time-domain techniques and the ubiquitous variability of AGN across wide ranges of wavelength and timescale. Modern sky surveys provide a wealth of public data with different wavelength and temporal coverages to exploit AGN variability. In this talk, I will demonstrate the power of public data in probing fundamental AGN physics, with three examples that each highlights an all-sky satellite mission: TEQUILA to probe the accretion disk, MOUTAI to study the dusty torus, and VODKA to constrain kpc-scale dual AGN. While originally designed for other science themes, the public data from these all-sky surveys offer unique and important contributions to these science topics. I will conclude with a brief outlook. 

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